Monday 13 January 2014

Blog Take 4..

Yes, this is my fourth attempt at blogging. The first made me famous. Oh not the celebrity kind but the kind where I had to write disclaimers to each post. People tend to want to search for references in the ramblings of people they know.. ending up taking credit or offence when there is none due. In retrospective an interesting but long story which deserves a post of its own. Hence the smart move of anonymity this time. Second and third blogs were dedicated to weight loss and being a person who is not too dedicated to losing weight, those blogs just stayed empty like the box of chocolates I just ate. Now this blog, with no theme... where I can ramble on about anything and everything and just be who I am... where do not have to tread carefully wondering who might assume what.
But by God its such an effort to just create a blog! which template do I chose.. which background do I select and then do not get me started on the colours! After hours ( which could have been wisely spent on re-watching a couple of Gilmore girls episodes) of trials and going back and forth between the blue flowers and the pink stripes.. I settled for the yellow lemons and green leaves. How banal of me. The herculean effort of creating a blog behind me, here I am finally writing my first post. May I be funny and may I vent. May my writing improve and yes may my fingers be too busy typing to take food and put it in my mouth. ;)

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